
Click the photo to read what our clients have to say about our yacht delivery and yacht instruction services

Grand Banks 42 'Blade Runner'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

Ron and Caren Errington

Grand Banks 42 Blade Runner Grand Banks Delivery

Selene 48 'Turas'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

Pat and Becky MacDonald

Selene 48 Turas Selene Delivery Selene Instruction

Kadey Krogen 48 'Spirit Journey'

Yacht Instruction

Ron and Michelle Hall

Krogen 48 Spirit Journey Krogen Instruction

Grand Banks 42 'Water Lily'

Yacht Instruction

Maria Brown

Grand Banks 42 'Suroan'

Yacht Instruction

Al and Sue Gonzalez

Grand Banks 42 'Ariel Lee'

Yacht Delivery

Robin and Rob Kessler

Grand Banks 42 Suroan Grand Banks Instruction

Californian 45 'Idle Time'

Yacht Instruction

Joyce and Bill Craig

Kadey Krogen 58 'Fat Bottomed Girl'

Yacht Instruction

Jackie and Dave Kettering

Krogen 58 Fat Bottomed Girl Krogen Instruction

Nordhavn 55 'Last Mango'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

David and Susie Lee

Nordhavn  55 Cathexis Nordhavn Delivery

Nordic Tug 42 'Alexandra'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

Tom and Perrin Ramey

Nordic Tug 42 Alexandra Nordic Tug Delivery Nordic Tug Instruction

Northern Marine 58 'Spirit of Zopilote'

Yacht Delivery

Bruce and Joan Kessler

Northern Marine 58 Spirit of Zopilote Northern Marine Instruction

Zimmerman 36 'Growler'

Yacht Delivery

Bill and Laurene Parlatore

Founders of Passagemaker Magazine

Zimmerman 36 Growler Zimmerman Delivery

Kadey Krogen 44 'Second Star'

Yacht Delivery

Sue and Will Parry

Krogen44 Second Star Krogen Delivery Captain

Zimmerman 36 'Montrose'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

Paul and Sheila Palmer

Zimmerman 36 Montrose Zimmerman Delivery Zimmerman Instruction

Nordhavn 47 'Bluewater'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

Milt and Judy Baker

Founders of Bluewater Books and Charts

Nordhavn 47 Bluewater Nordhavn Delivery Captain

Kadey Krogen 48 'Midnight Sun'

John Gear of Krogen Yachts

Nordhavn 46 'Sea Once'


Jeff Merrill of Nordhavn Yachts

Mikelson 59 'Esperanza'

Yacht Delivery

Dick Peterson

Owner of Mikelson Yachts

Mikelson 59 Esperanza Mikelson Delivery Captain

Zimmerman 36 'Growler'

Yacht Delivery and Yacht Instruction

Steve Zimmerman

Owner of Zimmerman Marine

Nordhavn 55 'Cathexis'

Yacht Instruction

Tina and Gary Bald

Nordhavn 55 Cathexis Nordhavn Instruction
Grand Banks 42 Ariel Lee Grand Banks Delivery
Californian 45 Idle Time Californian Instruction

Kadey Krogen 48 'Marie Louise 11'

Yacht Delivery

Yacht Instruction

Martha and John Robb

Krogen 48 Marie Louise 11 Delivery and Teaching